Monday, August 15, 2011

Why would anyone want to Pierce Brosnan

Day three:

Still raining, could practice my guitar, but can't be bothered to wipe off the dust.

Think I will fire up the playstation and waste some more time.
I'm currently really into this game called MAG "Massive action game"
Where 256 people battle it out on huge maps, trying to complete objectives, ie steal opposing forces vehicles, or blow up a commutations satellite.

If you are a gamer, you should defiantly check it out:
Look cool eh?
Also check out gameplay videos from youtube:
The game universe takes place near 2020, world peace has been declared, and all world military has been disbanded... on the outside. In reality all military assignments have been outsourced to PMC, and now the PMC's battle each other for more contracts.

I'm currently playing for the Raven PMC, look me up, and get stomped ;)